The importance of nutrition.
The reason is why nutritional is important is because, basically people have got wrong idea about nutrition from both a medical bias and an alternative medicine bias. In general most people think nutrition is a fix all, and they think that alternative medicine is just finding the right vitamins or minerals as an alternative to the medications. It just isn’t, it is nothing even close to that.
Why is this an important distinction. The two alternatives, basically means that instead of looking at nutrition in terms of “I have a problem with this organ function, so I need this sort of nutrition”, which includes vitamins, minerals, herbs, anything, - and particularly foods.
And we need to pay more attention to what foods we can use, because the trend is that unless you are wealthy you won’t have access to vitamins, minerals and herbs. By April next year 2014 it is likely that it will be illegal to use or sell herbs in Europe. That’s crazy, but it has been a fight that has been going on with the pharmaceutical companies versus the natural therapists for years and years.
Neuro-training is going to become a lot more important to be able to replace what is going to be missed (herbs). The only real source then of any medicinal, or natural or nutritional alternative is going to be from food. And that is already being attacked in lots of different ways.
There are patents already in America, and I also believe now in Europe, where the genetically modified seeds are designed to only respond to certain types of chemical fertilizers. If you put other fertilizers on them it will kill them. The whole process of using genetically modified and the fertilizers – that whole thing is patented. If that is allowed to continue it means that more and more big companies are going towards genetic engineering, there won’t be any of the natural seeds left. That means if we want the food to be grown we are committed to using only their fertilizer.
So our nutrition is being attacked literally and since 1975, as per an American survey, the average content of the vitamins and minerals in the foods in America have gone down to an average of 50%. Some more up to 60 or 70% depending on the vitamin or mineral, some less, 20-30 or 40%. So the actual nutritional value of the food has been lost in the last 35 years. You have to eat twice as much food just to get the same nutritional value as you did 30 years ago. That trend is very disturbing and taking away vitamins minerals and herbs, takes away the only other alternative we have to be able to work just at our base level. So we are going to become sick and sicker because we have a major part of our life being attacked by the financial industries – it all finance, just big business taking over what people consume the most, which is food.
We need to train people to what alternatives there are to this situation, because I think Neuro-Training is going to one of, if not the most important factor in helping people to compensate for this nutritional onslaught. We are dependant on nutrition and because of our dependency on it we are being taken advantage of.
So from the old days when people used to grow their own food, and exchange with other people growing their own food, to have a variety, they had agriculture. Agriculture has been turned into big business. There is no logic in it. Even people in the big companies, get sick and look to medicine, then when that doesn’t work and they realize they need vitamins, instead of buying them from alternative medicine they make it part of their product range.
An important alternative presented to most people is to go and find the nutrition they need, but there is no guarantee that that is actually going to give them the nutrition that they are looking for, or even if they actually need that. Neuro-training workshops gives us the ability to identify what they need, how to deal with it, so that the nervous system knows what to do when it is given that vitamin, food or mineral, because it actually needs it for a reason.
Most of the food that we eat we eat for two reasons. One is for energy and the other is to supply the necessary building blocks to our biochemistry can continue to function in a balanced normal way. And that is basically the only reason we eat. If we stop eating those biochemical functions continue to go on, but they adapt, and we have three or four different levels of adaption. Ultimately one of those levels of adaption is where we take the protein and we break it down and convert into usable substances to carry on other biochemical processes. We don’t have to do that if we can eat those substances that we need in the first place to maintain those biochemical processes.
When we are talking about energy we are talking about an equation. We eat food to have energy, but there are lots of other things that we do or don’t do, that drains that energy. Then we have this fight between wanting to have enough energy or getting from the wrong sources, or the wrong type of energy, mainly sugars, to try and bolster up this lack of energy. But we are creating an artificial energy process.
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
Friday, May 10, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Basic Elements of Human Existance
The Necessary Basic Elements of human existence.
So, there are four basic and necessary elements: energy, genetics, time and space, and the ability to integrate all of these together - Deep States. As you study further the Model of Universal Principles, you will discover that these four references are extremely important for finding out the conflicts we endure through ignorance of how we really operate.
The Challenges
What makes these elements, or references, significant is the need for our nervous system to be challenged and hence the ability to adapt to those challenges. What makes these elements significant in disease and health problems are the defences and suppressions we experience that limit our ability to create new relationships without our lives.
The human body is a remarkable adaption device with many sophisticated adaption mechanisms at its service. Even with this highly developed flexibility, we are still only able to adapt as well as our experience has taught us. This means that we all have a learned set of responses to life that may suit our needs in some circumstances but not in others. By making a limited number of habitual adaptive responses, we can too easily start to restrict our adaption and hence create health risks for ourselves.
We see in the response to certain types of muscle tests, where a person has responded to a situation in a habitual way rather than creating a new and appropriate response. In an attempt to understand what and how the muscular system is able to reveal the various adaption inabilities a person may experience, Neuro-Training has developed a summary of the different types of muscle responses. A major part of this is 'The Four Phases of Muscle Monitoring'.
A muscle tested in contraction unlocks when the person is no longer able to adapt to some stress or functional demand somewhere. But the general context of any inappropriate response in a muscle in contraction is an inability to adapt to a particular current circumstance.
The effect is to spread the load of the interference amongst the circuitry of the antagonists and so free the function of the primary muscle to continue to do what it has to. When this has occurred, the primary muscle, when tested in extension, will not be able to hold its position. In fact, this test is checking the integrity of the antagonist muscle circuits as they relate to the primary muscle.
The next phase of testing is in the Gamma 2 type. The 'normal' testing is done by the facilitator initiating the movement. A Gamma 2 test is done where the client initiates the movement and then the facilitator applies pressure to the moving limb.
A muscle that will not hold in a Gamma 2 contraction test shows an accident in the past is still affecting the recuperation ability of the person. Or it may be indicating a nutritional imbalance. A muscle that will not hold in a Gamma 2 extension test shows a 'suppression' is affecting the person's ability to heal themselves.
Kinesiology Energy Systems
People are definitely energetic and this human energy requirement has to exist in different forms that allow us to manipulate and direct the energy to our advantage. So, yes, everything is energy, and because of the different forms or filters of this energy, we have to learn how to use them in different ways.
This depends on our having a clear understanding of how the energetic part of us actually works, which is different to the genetic components that allow us to use the energy. I would suggest that the practical application of any energetic form is dependent on understanding the correct use of the genetic components of that energetic being.
Genetics and energy
These are the starting point for any investigation into human function and yet there is also at least two other primary areas of research to be developed before we can say we ‘know’ human function. Everything can be classified as either ‘existence’ or a ‘relationship’ of some type.
Time and space
For us to fully grasp the concepts, we need to understand human function. We have to consider the relationship we have to time and space as well as energy and genetics. Time and space have been used to describe each other because of their unique intimacy with each other.
Energy does act on us and we on it but we do so within a set of genetic limitations. Energy and genetics combine to form a unique individual who progresses through life in a physical place through a period of time. If energy, genetics and time or space were integrated in such a way to support everything we want to do at a conscious and subconscious level, we would be able to achieve anything we want.
The question then, is what maintains the level of integration we need to achieve the things we want?
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
So, there are four basic and necessary elements: energy, genetics, time and space, and the ability to integrate all of these together - Deep States. As you study further the Model of Universal Principles, you will discover that these four references are extremely important for finding out the conflicts we endure through ignorance of how we really operate.
The Challenges
What makes these elements, or references, significant is the need for our nervous system to be challenged and hence the ability to adapt to those challenges. What makes these elements significant in disease and health problems are the defences and suppressions we experience that limit our ability to create new relationships without our lives.
The human body is a remarkable adaption device with many sophisticated adaption mechanisms at its service. Even with this highly developed flexibility, we are still only able to adapt as well as our experience has taught us. This means that we all have a learned set of responses to life that may suit our needs in some circumstances but not in others. By making a limited number of habitual adaptive responses, we can too easily start to restrict our adaption and hence create health risks for ourselves.
We see in the response to certain types of muscle tests, where a person has responded to a situation in a habitual way rather than creating a new and appropriate response. In an attempt to understand what and how the muscular system is able to reveal the various adaption inabilities a person may experience, Neuro-Training has developed a summary of the different types of muscle responses. A major part of this is 'The Four Phases of Muscle Monitoring'.
A muscle tested in contraction unlocks when the person is no longer able to adapt to some stress or functional demand somewhere. But the general context of any inappropriate response in a muscle in contraction is an inability to adapt to a particular current circumstance.
The effect is to spread the load of the interference amongst the circuitry of the antagonists and so free the function of the primary muscle to continue to do what it has to. When this has occurred, the primary muscle, when tested in extension, will not be able to hold its position. In fact, this test is checking the integrity of the antagonist muscle circuits as they relate to the primary muscle.
The next phase of testing is in the Gamma 2 type. The 'normal' testing is done by the facilitator initiating the movement. A Gamma 2 test is done where the client initiates the movement and then the facilitator applies pressure to the moving limb.
A muscle that will not hold in a Gamma 2 contraction test shows an accident in the past is still affecting the recuperation ability of the person. Or it may be indicating a nutritional imbalance. A muscle that will not hold in a Gamma 2 extension test shows a 'suppression' is affecting the person's ability to heal themselves.
Kinesiology Energy Systems
People are definitely energetic and this human energy requirement has to exist in different forms that allow us to manipulate and direct the energy to our advantage. So, yes, everything is energy, and because of the different forms or filters of this energy, we have to learn how to use them in different ways.
This depends on our having a clear understanding of how the energetic part of us actually works, which is different to the genetic components that allow us to use the energy. I would suggest that the practical application of any energetic form is dependent on understanding the correct use of the genetic components of that energetic being.
Genetics and energy
These are the starting point for any investigation into human function and yet there is also at least two other primary areas of research to be developed before we can say we ‘know’ human function. Everything can be classified as either ‘existence’ or a ‘relationship’ of some type.
Time and space
For us to fully grasp the concepts, we need to understand human function. We have to consider the relationship we have to time and space as well as energy and genetics. Time and space have been used to describe each other because of their unique intimacy with each other.
Energy does act on us and we on it but we do so within a set of genetic limitations. Energy and genetics combine to form a unique individual who progresses through life in a physical place through a period of time. If energy, genetics and time or space were integrated in such a way to support everything we want to do at a conscious and subconscious level, we would be able to achieve anything we want.
The question then, is what maintains the level of integration we need to achieve the things we want?
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Kinesiology and Health
Hello, I'm Valerie Walters.
I have a life passion for kinesiology and these pages are a great medium to share this passion with you so, take time to view the contents.
I began my interest in alternative lifestyle and medicines reading about ancient cultures when still in my teens. After many years working in commerce, I made the decision to take my interest in alternative medicine, from interest to career. I was introduced to, and fascinated by, muscle testing by a Chiropractor, who had, for many years, been using this wonderful skill for diagnosis, combining it with Chiropractic for treatment.
When I discovered that muscle testing was more than a valuable tool used by many natural therapist, but part of the complete science of Kinesiology, I was “hooked” and started studying and later teaching (and haven’t stopped!)
Completing my Kinesiology Training provides the opportunity to find out more about yourself, to take responsibility for what occurs in your life, allowing change and more choice in your life.
Yes every person is unique. We each have our own way of adapting to stressful situations and dealing with problems. How well we do this will determine our ability to be healthy and happy.
Being well and happy is an expression of who we are and how we feel. Life's problems can happen at any time and we call on our life's resources to help solve these problems.
Thus our emotions, beliefs, fears, behaviour patterns, genetics, and our physical structure all play a part in handling these life issues. If any of theses life support systems can't cope then illness our symptoms of illness may develop.
We have an innate ability to heal, however there can be limitations to this healing ability.
Suppression of our true expression of who we are and how we feel, can be in any of the areas of how we function; emotions, beliefs, fears, behaviours, genetics, physical structure, to name just a few. "Feelings buried alive, never die….."
As a Kinesiologist I am able to access specific references; to find the emotional, mental and physical imbalances a person holds within. These imbalances are often held in the subconscious and can be accessed through a person’s neurology. Understanding this neurology can often indicate the cause of a problem and then the most appropriate solution can be found to bring the body/mind into balance, increasing the quality and expression of the person's own individual spirit.
My Kinesiology Training provides the opportunity to find out more about yourself, to take responsibility for what occurs in your life, allowing change and more choice in your life.
Key Benefits:
As a Kinesiologist, Valerie works with the mind/body systems. Kinesiology is remarkable, allowing the practitioner to work with a wide range of patient issues.
Workshops I Teach:
My above site contains references to the various accredited training courses I teach plus outlines the timetable and their contents. Sometimes I have to change the course dates so email me for the latest information and timetable.
To personally contact me for workshop Registration or my clinic; Phone +61242 841378 or use the website link from my site.
As people - How do we heal?
Kinesiology has traditionally focused on techniques and over the years developed new ones and enhanced existing ones. Over the last few years I have been trained and discovered exciting new approaches to kinesiology through extensive research into the Universal Laws of Healing.
My research also incorporates how best to apply techniques in a way that honour the natural laws of healing, creating a philosophy that is fundamentally different to other existing approaches.
Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws.
How we heal also shows that we have 'options' in way our neurology functions. These 'options' once we are aware of them, can therefore show how we are healing and provide information as to why we may not be on our healing path.
One neurology option is survival. Taking this option we focus on defending or perhaps compensating for the things we feel we cannot change. This option often provides 'No Choice' in the way we feel, often suppressing those things that we have no solutions for.
The other option is living. Taking this option we focus on solutions and become successful in re-training our neurological expression. When 'living' we focus on our potential, our opportunities, our life direction, our healing and our quality of spirit, and all of which enhance our 'living' quality of life.
With people - When they visit my Clinic, What do I do?
I work in the area of genetic inheritance and human behaviour. This encompasses a persons thoughts, emotions, physical body and energy systems. The way I use EA Kinesiology with clients allows me to find conflicts in mental, emotional, physical and energetic relationships people have.
Helping my clients resolve these conflicts by comparing the genetic inheritance people come into this world with (objective) to what they are doing with this inheritance (subjective) creates the right environment for them to find a solution to these conflicts so that they can progress their own healing. This is how this course came about.
I also explore various aspects of how we function and how we heal. These include the brain's defence reaction to stress and the neurological and physiological changes that occur as a result; the mental, emotional, physical and energetic contexts of The Universal Healing Model and how they interact as the highest contexts of who we are.
We then compare the effects of suppression versus expression; boredom versus motivation; function versus healing; and the application of this philosophy for your own healing. In understanding the Universal Laws of Healing and the expression of the values that are unique to each of us, in the context these natural laws, we can better influence our own heal.
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
Saturday, April 27, 2013
As people - How do we Heal?
As people - How do we Heal?
Kinesiology has traditionally focused on techniques and over the years developed new ones and enhanced existing ones. Kinesiology taps into the body's unique ability to heal itself, removing road blocks towards true and lasting health and well-being. It takes an holistic approach, dealing with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues that prevent us from expressing our true selves.
Over the last few years Val Walters kinesiology has discovered an exciting new approach to kinesiology through extensive research into the Universal Laws of Healing. Since the development of the Universal Healing Model (UHM) and the application of these techniques within those laws, an approach is one of 'integrating' the healing of the Physical, Mental and Emotional aspects of a person while respecting the forms of traditional and other natural therapies. Here are some of the areas of research Val has investigated and applied in both her kinesiology training and her kinesiology clinic.
Healing at a Cellular level, inflammation and the immune system and infectious diseases.
Emotional Shock: When the body perceives a dire threat it begins an automatic, progressive shutdown of systems in an effort to protect the brain and heart. This ultimately life-saving response is called shock, and yet it can quickly lead to death unless corrective measures are taken.
Wound healing: The complex and astounding processes of bodily healing and repair are well illustrated by wound healing - in infections, trauma, and surgical intervention. You may be surprised to learn that no wound has to be closed, and that it is often a bad idea to attempt to close a wound that might be contaminated.
Peter Seeger had it right in his hit song – there's time for every purpose. What he forgot to mention is that how you spend your time is your choice. And that choice affects your health. For example, the woman who works out 45 minutes, 5 days a week every week will see greater results than the woman who works out 45 minutes, 5 days a month.
Likewise, the man whose diet varies between fast food and healthy food (whole grains, fruits, veggies, proteins) will not benefit as much as the man who consistently consumes only healthy food. How much time you spend, or how consistent you are in your quest for health is a direct variable to your health.
Work Hard, Play Hard: Yes, the quality of your food, supplements, and exercise are important. But the quality of your mindset is vital. In this day and age of multi-tasking, the idea of focusing on the task at hand seems to be outdated. But when we're talking about something as serious as your health (i.e. your life), maybe it's time to get your mind in the game. How Do You Rate?
Poor Health = Inconsistent workout time x Low-Quality
Excellent Health = Consistent workout time x High-Quality
That old saying still holds true: You only get out of it what you put into it. So, evaluate and then re-evaluate. Keep what works and change what doesn't. It's the only way to improve. You just may find that in the process, you are not only becoming healthier, but your life is fuller and holds more meaning.
Function and healing or the immune system is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws. Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws.
This research also incorporates how best to apply techniques in a way that honour the natural laws of healing, creating a philosophy that is fundamentally different to other existing approaches.
The UHM also shows contextual relationships and conflicts within people, the expression of their values, and the Universal Laws of Healing that apply to them. The UHM also shows that we have 'options' in way our neurology functions. These 'options' once we are aware of them, can therefore show how we are healing and provide information as to why we may not be on our healing path.
How Healing Has changed over the decades.
Several decades ago it was determined by the powers that be that be that the medical profession would look after the health (or sickness) of the physical body and religion would take care of the minds of the people. This disintegrated approach provided an environment for still further division and thus development of specialist techniques for health and healing, each one looking at different aspects of how we function and how we heal.
We now are seeing the 'turning of the tide' from the disintegrative approach of health and healing to an integrative approach which considers all the aspects of how we function and how we heal. The Kinesiology I do is a leader in the approach of 'integrating' the healing of the Physical, Mental and Emotional aspects of a person while respecting the forms of traditional and other natural therapies.
My Kinesiology Clinic
A 'Kinesiology Session' is what you will experience in a visit Valerie's clinic. Using the remarkable biofeedback mechanism of muscle monitoring, where the response of the subconscious can be directly monitored through the muscle, a Kinesiology Balance begins. During the Session other muscle tests are done "in relation to" the references or challenges that you have come about, and if your neurology is stressed by that challenge, it is felt kinetically in the muscle response. Healing can then progress as these "challenges" are resolved.
What is Kinesiology?
As I stated previously; Kinesiology taps into the body's unique ability to heal itself, removing road blocks towards true and lasting health and well-being. It takes an holistic approach, dealing with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues that prevent us from expressing our true selves.
How we heal
Our holistic Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws. Learn more?
Visit my Clinic web site. 'Shooting the messenger.' Our symptoms are an indication of our "wellness messenger" but what is the cause of the symptoms? This is the question. Often drugs suppress symptoms and this can make us feel better for a while; however if the underlying cause is forever present the symptoms can occur or be noticed in other areas of the body or mind
The kinesiology I do and train on - It will help you...
Many people believe that 'Health' means to exercise, eat right or see a doctor or therapist. Then comes the problem of knowing what nutrition to take, or which therapist is the right one or even if the therapy is even going to work. Any of these options could help, but does it not train YOUR nervous system to learn how to do it again for you in the future?
You have a magic genie that will grant you any wish, and all you have to do is wake him/her up.
I am sure I would jump at such an opportunity. You do have such a genie and we will show you how to wake him/her up. My Resolve Kinesiology Training has shown that you have your own built in health system, which is a totally natural alternative health process built on an innate intelligence. We use that intelligence to tell us what you need to be better.
Think about this:
Easily and automatically get into new states of mind that speed up recuperation ....
Boost your motivation and self-confidence; develop laser-sharp focus and concentration to overcome those confusions in life .....
Naturally reduce stress, anxiety, tension and worry and develop more peace, calm into your life .....
Remove the mental; emotional and physical resistances that hold you back from success .....
Create new neural pathways in your brain and body, change patterns of perception and information transfer in your nervous system, and thereby create new ways of experiencing yourself and your world .....
Dramatically increase your mental clarity and power to grasp new concepts faster, significantly increase your memory retention and comprehension .....
Train your subconscious mind to unlock the door to your inner potential and become the person you really want to be.
We tend to learn about life by what it does to us rather than what we can do to make it what we want. By using Resolve Kinesiology to train your nervous system learning what it takes to have those pesky symptoms dissipate and in the process you will also automatically stimulate your own innate health responses.
This approach uses the principles of all types of modalities as a reference for what might be needed for any individual. Resolve is an integration of many existing modalities (and some new ones).
Any models that infer you have to go to someone else to get better, are necessary only as a last resort and are used far too often, far too soon. Increasing your recuperation from the effects of your life experience by training your nervous system is just one effect.
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
Kinesiology has traditionally focused on techniques and over the years developed new ones and enhanced existing ones. Kinesiology taps into the body's unique ability to heal itself, removing road blocks towards true and lasting health and well-being. It takes an holistic approach, dealing with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues that prevent us from expressing our true selves.
Over the last few years Val Walters kinesiology has discovered an exciting new approach to kinesiology through extensive research into the Universal Laws of Healing. Since the development of the Universal Healing Model (UHM) and the application of these techniques within those laws, an approach is one of 'integrating' the healing of the Physical, Mental and Emotional aspects of a person while respecting the forms of traditional and other natural therapies. Here are some of the areas of research Val has investigated and applied in both her kinesiology training and her kinesiology clinic.
Healing at a Cellular level, inflammation and the immune system and infectious diseases.
Emotional Shock: When the body perceives a dire threat it begins an automatic, progressive shutdown of systems in an effort to protect the brain and heart. This ultimately life-saving response is called shock, and yet it can quickly lead to death unless corrective measures are taken.
Wound healing: The complex and astounding processes of bodily healing and repair are well illustrated by wound healing - in infections, trauma, and surgical intervention. You may be surprised to learn that no wound has to be closed, and that it is often a bad idea to attempt to close a wound that might be contaminated.
Peter Seeger had it right in his hit song – there's time for every purpose. What he forgot to mention is that how you spend your time is your choice. And that choice affects your health. For example, the woman who works out 45 minutes, 5 days a week every week will see greater results than the woman who works out 45 minutes, 5 days a month.
Likewise, the man whose diet varies between fast food and healthy food (whole grains, fruits, veggies, proteins) will not benefit as much as the man who consistently consumes only healthy food. How much time you spend, or how consistent you are in your quest for health is a direct variable to your health.
Work Hard, Play Hard: Yes, the quality of your food, supplements, and exercise are important. But the quality of your mindset is vital. In this day and age of multi-tasking, the idea of focusing on the task at hand seems to be outdated. But when we're talking about something as serious as your health (i.e. your life), maybe it's time to get your mind in the game. How Do You Rate?
Poor Health = Inconsistent workout time x Low-Quality
Excellent Health = Consistent workout time x High-Quality
That old saying still holds true: You only get out of it what you put into it. So, evaluate and then re-evaluate. Keep what works and change what doesn't. It's the only way to improve. You just may find that in the process, you are not only becoming healthier, but your life is fuller and holds more meaning.
Function and healing or the immune system is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws. Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws.
This research also incorporates how best to apply techniques in a way that honour the natural laws of healing, creating a philosophy that is fundamentally different to other existing approaches.
The UHM also shows contextual relationships and conflicts within people, the expression of their values, and the Universal Laws of Healing that apply to them. The UHM also shows that we have 'options' in way our neurology functions. These 'options' once we are aware of them, can therefore show how we are healing and provide information as to why we may not be on our healing path.
How Healing Has changed over the decades.
Several decades ago it was determined by the powers that be that be that the medical profession would look after the health (or sickness) of the physical body and religion would take care of the minds of the people. This disintegrated approach provided an environment for still further division and thus development of specialist techniques for health and healing, each one looking at different aspects of how we function and how we heal.
We now are seeing the 'turning of the tide' from the disintegrative approach of health and healing to an integrative approach which considers all the aspects of how we function and how we heal. The Kinesiology I do is a leader in the approach of 'integrating' the healing of the Physical, Mental and Emotional aspects of a person while respecting the forms of traditional and other natural therapies.
My Kinesiology Clinic
A 'Kinesiology Session' is what you will experience in a visit Valerie's clinic. Using the remarkable biofeedback mechanism of muscle monitoring, where the response of the subconscious can be directly monitored through the muscle, a Kinesiology Balance begins. During the Session other muscle tests are done "in relation to" the references or challenges that you have come about, and if your neurology is stressed by that challenge, it is felt kinetically in the muscle response. Healing can then progress as these "challenges" are resolved.
What is Kinesiology?
As I stated previously; Kinesiology taps into the body's unique ability to heal itself, removing road blocks towards true and lasting health and well-being. It takes an holistic approach, dealing with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues that prevent us from expressing our true selves.
How we heal
Our holistic Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values, within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws. Learn more?
Visit my Clinic web site. 'Shooting the messenger.' Our symptoms are an indication of our "wellness messenger" but what is the cause of the symptoms? This is the question. Often drugs suppress symptoms and this can make us feel better for a while; however if the underlying cause is forever present the symptoms can occur or be noticed in other areas of the body or mind
The kinesiology I do and train on - It will help you...
Many people believe that 'Health' means to exercise, eat right or see a doctor or therapist. Then comes the problem of knowing what nutrition to take, or which therapist is the right one or even if the therapy is even going to work. Any of these options could help, but does it not train YOUR nervous system to learn how to do it again for you in the future?
You have a magic genie that will grant you any wish, and all you have to do is wake him/her up.
I am sure I would jump at such an opportunity. You do have such a genie and we will show you how to wake him/her up. My Resolve Kinesiology Training has shown that you have your own built in health system, which is a totally natural alternative health process built on an innate intelligence. We use that intelligence to tell us what you need to be better.
Think about this:
Easily and automatically get into new states of mind that speed up recuperation ....
Boost your motivation and self-confidence; develop laser-sharp focus and concentration to overcome those confusions in life .....
Naturally reduce stress, anxiety, tension and worry and develop more peace, calm into your life .....
Remove the mental; emotional and physical resistances that hold you back from success .....
Create new neural pathways in your brain and body, change patterns of perception and information transfer in your nervous system, and thereby create new ways of experiencing yourself and your world .....
Dramatically increase your mental clarity and power to grasp new concepts faster, significantly increase your memory retention and comprehension .....
Train your subconscious mind to unlock the door to your inner potential and become the person you really want to be.
We tend to learn about life by what it does to us rather than what we can do to make it what we want. By using Resolve Kinesiology to train your nervous system learning what it takes to have those pesky symptoms dissipate and in the process you will also automatically stimulate your own innate health responses.
This approach uses the principles of all types of modalities as a reference for what might be needed for any individual. Resolve is an integration of many existing modalities (and some new ones).
Any models that infer you have to go to someone else to get better, are necessary only as a last resort and are used far too often, far too soon. Increasing your recuperation from the effects of your life experience by training your nervous system is just one effect.
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
Friday, April 26, 2013
Your Health: Regaining Good Health - The Recuperation Process
Your Health: Regaining Good Health - The Recuperation Process.
The Recuperation Process and getting back to Good Health! - It can take time.
Stresses, traumas, injuries, unresolved grief, and emotional problems - all the things that limit our health use up our energy while we trying to cope with them. My Resolve Kinesiology can facilitate the resolution of these limitations. As a person clears their limitations and stresses they regain their energy for further recuperation.
When a person starts on the path of re-recuperation himself/herself, a recuperation crisis may occur.
A recuperation crisis is generally misunderstood, but when it is understood, the person looks forward to, and enjoys thoroughly the thought of having a recuperation crisis. A recuperation crisis is simply the body cleansing itself, of emotional stresses, of misperceptions, and cleansing its tissues, replacing the old tissues with new. A cleansing crisis is something which is quite often needed by the body to eliminate toxins (emotional and physical) from the deeper recesses otherwise not touched.
In this process the person may experience some old symptoms, as the recuperation process "takes a look" at the unresolved "stuff" and starts to heal it. Don't worry this is a normal reaction.
More about the Recuperation Process
It's a wonderful thing to see and how people can truly reverse the process of degeneration and bring themselves back to a better health state.
With the use of my Resolve Kinesiology we can reduce, if not completely eliminate the discomfort produced while a person is going through a recuperation crisis. However, it is a fact that sometimes when a person is going through a recuperation crisis, it can be more appropriate not to do any balancing as the person is already balancing him/herself. To intervene may deflect energy away from the recuperation process.
It is often difficult to identify the difference between the recuperation crisis and a degenerative process. With Resolve Kinesiology we can identify the crisis straight away and allow the active recuperation power of the person to carry them through the recuperation they need to go through. It is sometimes difficult for a person to accept the fact that the recuperation crisis comes at the time when they are feeling their best. Invariably a person will say "but I was feeling really well, it was the best I had felt in my life".
As there is energy now available for recuperation, it is at this time you can often expect the crisis to occur, and it is at this time when the crisis can do its best work. When a person increases their available energy and when that energy gets to an excess, the excess is used by them to facilitate their own recovery. At this time the body can do its greatest work. It's literally ridding the old so the new can take its place.
Your Health: Self-Help; Things you can do
As you become more aware and take more responsibility for your own recuperation you will begin to recognise your own healing path. You will begin to look forward and enjoy the recuperation process. Self help if an extremely powerful method of stress reduction. The realisation (often it's a revelation) by you that some Self Help may be required can really speed the recuperation processes. A few things that may help are:
Emotional Stress Release (ESR)
When you are looking for a new idea or option, when you have a problem to solve, when you are feeling stressed, ESR can help. Sit (or lie) in a comfortable position and place one hand across the back of your head - this is the cerebella region of the brain, where your history is stored; this is how you have "done" the problem in the past. Place your other hand across your forehead - this is your "thinking" area; your imagination where you can come up with a new option, a solution to the problem. Hold the hands on your own head until you feel less stressed and anxious, until a feeling of calm begins to take over. You will find that you can think more clearly with less stress, and solutions will be more easily found.
Essences for Stress
If you have a stressful event coming up, such as exams, interviews, deadlines, or whether the stress involves work, family, health or finance events, an essence may be just the support you need. Our clinic uses a number of different essences to suit your individual needs, including: Bach Flower Essences, Essences of Change and WA Living Essences.
These following essences are available from our clinic:
Rescue Remedy gives a sense of calm in the face of distress, shock, and anxiety. Assists the return to a more positive outlook when you need comfort and reassurance. It provides support at times of emotional demand, such as before a driving test, an interview, an exam, or a flight. Keep a bottle of this handy, in a purse or first aid kit, and have a few drops when you feel anxious, up tight, shocked or saddened.
Jet Lag Remedy (Shift workers assist) No more Jet Lag; arrive feeling energetic and great. Reset your time clock when travelling across time zones. Great for shift workers, sleeping and eating at "odd" times. Using Flower essences and Essences of Change, Jet Lag Remedy can be made especially to order for your individual needs.
Nurture Yourself
Pampering and nurturing, how often do you do this for yourself? This is nourishment for the soul. Find what it is that you enjoy doing by yourself, and for yourself. Something that makes you feel relaxed, content, peaceful. Perhaps a walk on the beach, a stroll through the bush, listening to music, or sitting in a spa bath with a wine and good book. We are often more ready to give of our time and energy to others than to ourselves. Make a gift of time to yourself. When we nurture self we are better able to nurture others.
Your Health: Emotional Influence. How our emotions influence our lives.
People stress over many things. These 'stressors' often show as negative emotions, mental anguishes, physical limitations, or low energy - like your 'batteries' need charging. Often it can be a combination of all of these body systems being in 'stress' that can cause this "not well" feeling. The feeling of " I am just not myself at the moment" which over time can seem to become more 'infused' into our being. Over time these 'stressors' become harder for the individual to resolve without specialist help.
We, each of us have an innate ability to recuperate but sometimes there can be limitations to this recuperation. Suppression of the expression of who we are and how we feel, can exist in any part of the "what makes us function as human beings", the mind the body and the emotions.
My Resolve Kinesiology can then assist with the recuperation process, helping people to resolve these 'stressors' that present 'challenges' to their well-being. "Feelings buried alive, never die...."
Being well and happy is an expression of who we are and how we feel. Life's problems can happen at any time and we call on our life's resources to help solve these problems. Thus our emotions, beliefs, fears, behaviour patterns, genetics, and our physical structure all play a part in handling these life issues. If any of these life support systems can't cope then illness our symptoms of illness may develop.
Finding the emotional, mental and physical imbalances you may be holding within is the challenge. Doing my Resolve Kinesiology I am able to access specific references to these imbalances that are often held in the subconscious and can be accessed through a person's neurology.
Understanding this neurology can often indicate the cause of a problem and then the most appropriate solution can be found to bring the body/mind into balance, increasing the quality and expression of the person's own individual spirit.
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
The Recuperation Process and getting back to Good Health! - It can take time.
Stresses, traumas, injuries, unresolved grief, and emotional problems - all the things that limit our health use up our energy while we trying to cope with them. My Resolve Kinesiology can facilitate the resolution of these limitations. As a person clears their limitations and stresses they regain their energy for further recuperation.
When a person starts on the path of re-recuperation himself/herself, a recuperation crisis may occur.
A recuperation crisis is generally misunderstood, but when it is understood, the person looks forward to, and enjoys thoroughly the thought of having a recuperation crisis. A recuperation crisis is simply the body cleansing itself, of emotional stresses, of misperceptions, and cleansing its tissues, replacing the old tissues with new. A cleansing crisis is something which is quite often needed by the body to eliminate toxins (emotional and physical) from the deeper recesses otherwise not touched.
In this process the person may experience some old symptoms, as the recuperation process "takes a look" at the unresolved "stuff" and starts to heal it. Don't worry this is a normal reaction.
More about the Recuperation Process
It's a wonderful thing to see and how people can truly reverse the process of degeneration and bring themselves back to a better health state.
With the use of my Resolve Kinesiology we can reduce, if not completely eliminate the discomfort produced while a person is going through a recuperation crisis. However, it is a fact that sometimes when a person is going through a recuperation crisis, it can be more appropriate not to do any balancing as the person is already balancing him/herself. To intervene may deflect energy away from the recuperation process.
It is often difficult to identify the difference between the recuperation crisis and a degenerative process. With Resolve Kinesiology we can identify the crisis straight away and allow the active recuperation power of the person to carry them through the recuperation they need to go through. It is sometimes difficult for a person to accept the fact that the recuperation crisis comes at the time when they are feeling their best. Invariably a person will say "but I was feeling really well, it was the best I had felt in my life".
As there is energy now available for recuperation, it is at this time you can often expect the crisis to occur, and it is at this time when the crisis can do its best work. When a person increases their available energy and when that energy gets to an excess, the excess is used by them to facilitate their own recovery. At this time the body can do its greatest work. It's literally ridding the old so the new can take its place.
Your Health: Self-Help; Things you can do
As you become more aware and take more responsibility for your own recuperation you will begin to recognise your own healing path. You will begin to look forward and enjoy the recuperation process. Self help if an extremely powerful method of stress reduction. The realisation (often it's a revelation) by you that some Self Help may be required can really speed the recuperation processes. A few things that may help are:
Emotional Stress Release (ESR)
When you are looking for a new idea or option, when you have a problem to solve, when you are feeling stressed, ESR can help. Sit (or lie) in a comfortable position and place one hand across the back of your head - this is the cerebella region of the brain, where your history is stored; this is how you have "done" the problem in the past. Place your other hand across your forehead - this is your "thinking" area; your imagination where you can come up with a new option, a solution to the problem. Hold the hands on your own head until you feel less stressed and anxious, until a feeling of calm begins to take over. You will find that you can think more clearly with less stress, and solutions will be more easily found.
Essences for Stress
If you have a stressful event coming up, such as exams, interviews, deadlines, or whether the stress involves work, family, health or finance events, an essence may be just the support you need. Our clinic uses a number of different essences to suit your individual needs, including: Bach Flower Essences, Essences of Change and WA Living Essences.
These following essences are available from our clinic:
Rescue Remedy gives a sense of calm in the face of distress, shock, and anxiety. Assists the return to a more positive outlook when you need comfort and reassurance. It provides support at times of emotional demand, such as before a driving test, an interview, an exam, or a flight. Keep a bottle of this handy, in a purse or first aid kit, and have a few drops when you feel anxious, up tight, shocked or saddened.
Jet Lag Remedy (Shift workers assist) No more Jet Lag; arrive feeling energetic and great. Reset your time clock when travelling across time zones. Great for shift workers, sleeping and eating at "odd" times. Using Flower essences and Essences of Change, Jet Lag Remedy can be made especially to order for your individual needs.
Nurture Yourself
Pampering and nurturing, how often do you do this for yourself? This is nourishment for the soul. Find what it is that you enjoy doing by yourself, and for yourself. Something that makes you feel relaxed, content, peaceful. Perhaps a walk on the beach, a stroll through the bush, listening to music, or sitting in a spa bath with a wine and good book. We are often more ready to give of our time and energy to others than to ourselves. Make a gift of time to yourself. When we nurture self we are better able to nurture others.
Your Health: Emotional Influence. How our emotions influence our lives.
People stress over many things. These 'stressors' often show as negative emotions, mental anguishes, physical limitations, or low energy - like your 'batteries' need charging. Often it can be a combination of all of these body systems being in 'stress' that can cause this "not well" feeling. The feeling of " I am just not myself at the moment" which over time can seem to become more 'infused' into our being. Over time these 'stressors' become harder for the individual to resolve without specialist help.
We, each of us have an innate ability to recuperate but sometimes there can be limitations to this recuperation. Suppression of the expression of who we are and how we feel, can exist in any part of the "what makes us function as human beings", the mind the body and the emotions.
My Resolve Kinesiology can then assist with the recuperation process, helping people to resolve these 'stressors' that present 'challenges' to their well-being. "Feelings buried alive, never die...."
Being well and happy is an expression of who we are and how we feel. Life's problems can happen at any time and we call on our life's resources to help solve these problems. Thus our emotions, beliefs, fears, behaviour patterns, genetics, and our physical structure all play a part in handling these life issues. If any of these life support systems can't cope then illness our symptoms of illness may develop.
Finding the emotional, mental and physical imbalances you may be holding within is the challenge. Doing my Resolve Kinesiology I am able to access specific references to these imbalances that are often held in the subconscious and can be accessed through a person's neurology.
Understanding this neurology can often indicate the cause of a problem and then the most appropriate solution can be found to bring the body/mind into balance, increasing the quality and expression of the person's own individual spirit.
Article by:
Val Walters Kinesiologist
Kinesiology Training
Kinesiology Clinic
My Facebook Page
Friday, December 28, 2012
Kinesiology and Neuro-Training
Kinesiology & Neuro-Training
Marrying the principles and philosophy of Neuro-Training with the techniques of Kinesiology to create NT Kinesiology, results in a powerful approach to making lasting and effective changes to our health, healing and recuperation and perhaps most importantly, the quality of our lives.
tiredness, fatigue and lethargy, sleep disturbances
depression, emotionally upset inability to get through a grief or trauma
relationship problems
persistent or reoccurring injury
digestive or nutritional problems
lymphatic or hormonal and immune issues
learning difficulties
allergies, skin irritations
breathing difficulties
don't seem to get what you want in life, feeling out of control
personal potential
An essential skill of the Kinesiologist is muscle testing. This skill works with the connection of your muscles to your neurology (your brain). This connection is through your nervous system. Anything that registers in your brain as a stress is reflected in your nervous system and in your muscles.
When muscle testing is done with specific references and challenges, your brain will react to what stresses you. The reaction will be reflected through your nervous system and can be verified by the Kinesiologist by monitoring the response in your muscles. This can be any kind of stress - anything to do with your health, work, finances, relationships, goals, specific events in your life, inherited patterns, learning abilities .. anything at all.
After revealing the cause of the stress, muscle testing can then reveal the most appropriate solution. In other words, what is the best way for you to resolve this particular problem at this time. The more the neurology learns to look for the solution, the more this becomes automatic when problems occur.
Neuro-Training is an innovative, solution oriented philosophy based on kinesiology techniques. Founded by Andrew Verity, Neuro-Training provides a unique framework for the expansion of Kinesiology through the expression of individual potential and its purpose is to explore and understand the recuperation process.
Neuro-Training works with the Universal Laws of Recuperation and honours the uniqueness of every person. No two people have the same genetic history, the same experience of life, the same inherited patterns, or the same motivators, resources, limitations and fears. Each person has their own unique healing path.
Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws. When we respond to life with fear, when we focus on defending, justifying, and compensating for the things we feel we cannot change; where we feel we have no choice, or suppress those things that we have no solutions for - we are surviving.
When we focus on solutions to the things that challenge us; when we retrain our neurology to positive expression; when we focus on our potential, our opportunities, our life direction, our healing and our quality of spirit - we are living.
Neuro-Training uses many skills, techniques, references, and challenges, together with an artistry of application, to find the most appropriate way for the person to way retrain their neurology to be solution oriented. Solution oriented means becoming aware of the limitations, the fears, the negative motivators, but focusing not on how to defend against these but how to focus on finding the solutions.
Imagine being able to redirect the energy that is tied up by fears, anxieties, suppression's and compensations, freeing that energy for solutions to the challenges in life. Imagine the benefit of focusing all that released energy into dreams, plans, and personal potential. Having access to inherited resources and a positive expression of the unique person that each of us is. Neuro-Training is unique in the application of the skills and techniques of natural therapies.
Kinesiology Clinic
Kinesiology Training
Thursday, July 19, 2012
How does kinesiology work?
** Val Walters Kinesiology Classes Review **
How does Kinesiology work?
Kinesiology works with mental and emotional stresses, physical problems, injuries and illnesses, and energy issues. The essential skill of the Kinesiologist is muscle testing. This technique relies on the way your muscles are connected to your brain, that is via your nervous system. Anything that registers in your brain as a stress is reflected in your nervous system and in your muscles.
When muscle testing is done with specific references and challenges, your brain will reveal what stresses you. The stress will be reflected in your nervous system and can be verified by the Kinesiologist by monitoring the response in your muscles.
This can be any kind of stress - anything to do with your health, work, finances, relationships, goals, specific events in your life, inherited patterns, learning abilities… anything at all.
After revealing the cause of the stress, muscle testing can then reveal the most appropriate solution. In other words, what is the best way for you to resolve this particular problem at this time.
What makes Kinesiology unique?Kinesiology incorporates many of the natural healing therapies, techniques, and references, from both Western and Eastern philosophies such as: reflexology, acupressure, iridology, homeopathy, structure-function, astrology, muscular-skeletal, nutrition and digestion, emotional stress release, repeated eye movement, meridian element theory, yin yang, JinShin, Jyutsu, flower essences, Chinese herbs, functional neurology, brain function patterns, genetic blueprint, deep states, western herbs, Cheirology …and many more.
What will Kinesiology help with?Tiredness, fatigue and lethargy, depression, emotionally upset, relationship problems, persistent or reoccurring injury, digestive or nutritional problems, lymphatic or hormonal problems, pain, sleep disturbances, learning difficulties, allergies, skin irritations, breathing difficulties, lymphatic, hormonal and immune issues, don’t seem to get what you want in life, never really recovered from an accident, illness or unable to get through a grief or trauma or feeling out of control.
Who is Kinesiology for?Kinesiology is for anyone of any age; anyone who wishes to improve their health. Perhaps remove a stress from their life or find a solution to a problem. To realize a goal, improve personal potential, and feel better about themselves. To regain their personal power, with a renewed sense of freedom. To change how they feel about themselves and their world, and enhance their joy in living.
Where do I teach my Kinesiology Classes?
Get a Healthy Start from now on: Enrol for Kinesiology Training!
Val Walters
Kinesiology Training
Easternview Recuperation Centre
How does Kinesiology work?
Kinesiology works with mental and emotional stresses, physical problems, injuries and illnesses, and energy issues. The essential skill of the Kinesiologist is muscle testing. This technique relies on the way your muscles are connected to your brain, that is via your nervous system. Anything that registers in your brain as a stress is reflected in your nervous system and in your muscles.
When muscle testing is done with specific references and challenges, your brain will reveal what stresses you. The stress will be reflected in your nervous system and can be verified by the Kinesiologist by monitoring the response in your muscles.
This can be any kind of stress - anything to do with your health, work, finances, relationships, goals, specific events in your life, inherited patterns, learning abilities… anything at all.
After revealing the cause of the stress, muscle testing can then reveal the most appropriate solution. In other words, what is the best way for you to resolve this particular problem at this time.
What makes Kinesiology unique?Kinesiology incorporates many of the natural healing therapies, techniques, and references, from both Western and Eastern philosophies such as: reflexology, acupressure, iridology, homeopathy, structure-function, astrology, muscular-skeletal, nutrition and digestion, emotional stress release, repeated eye movement, meridian element theory, yin yang, JinShin, Jyutsu, flower essences, Chinese herbs, functional neurology, brain function patterns, genetic blueprint, deep states, western herbs, Cheirology …and many more.
What will Kinesiology help with?Tiredness, fatigue and lethargy, depression, emotionally upset, relationship problems, persistent or reoccurring injury, digestive or nutritional problems, lymphatic or hormonal problems, pain, sleep disturbances, learning difficulties, allergies, skin irritations, breathing difficulties, lymphatic, hormonal and immune issues, don’t seem to get what you want in life, never really recovered from an accident, illness or unable to get through a grief or trauma or feeling out of control.
Who is Kinesiology for?Kinesiology is for anyone of any age; anyone who wishes to improve their health. Perhaps remove a stress from their life or find a solution to a problem. To realize a goal, improve personal potential, and feel better about themselves. To regain their personal power, with a renewed sense of freedom. To change how they feel about themselves and their world, and enhance their joy in living.
Where do I teach my Kinesiology Classes?
Get a Healthy Start from now on: Enrol for Kinesiology Training!
Val Walters
Kinesiology Training
Easternview Recuperation Centre
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