Friday, December 28, 2012

Kinesiology and Neuro-Training

Kinesiology & Neuro-Training
Marrying the principles and philosophy of Neuro-Training with the techniques of Kinesiology to create NT Kinesiology, results in a powerful approach to making lasting and effective changes to our health, healing and recuperation and perhaps most importantly, the quality of our lives.

Areas of life that may benefit from NT Kinesiology:
tiredness, fatigue and lethargy, sleep disturbances
depression, emotionally upset inability to get through a grief or trauma
relationship problems
persistent or reoccurring injury
digestive or nutritional problems
lymphatic or hormonal and immune issues
learning difficulties
allergies, skin irritations
breathing difficulties
don't seem to get what you want in life, feeling out of control
personal potential

An essential skill of the Kinesiologist is muscle testing. This skill works with the connection of your muscles to your neurology (your brain). This connection is through your nervous system. Anything that registers in your brain as a stress is reflected in your nervous system and in your muscles.

When muscle testing is done with specific references and challenges, your brain will react to what stresses you. The reaction will be reflected through your nervous system and can be verified by the Kinesiologist by monitoring the response in your muscles. This can be any kind of stress - anything to do with your health, work, finances, relationships, goals, specific events in your life, inherited patterns, learning abilities .. anything at all.

After revealing the cause of the stress, muscle testing can then reveal the most appropriate solution. In other words, what is the best way for you to resolve this particular problem at this time. The more the neurology learns to look for the solution, the more this becomes automatic when problems occur.

Neuro-Training is an innovative, solution oriented philosophy based on kinesiology techniques. Founded by Andrew Verity, Neuro-Training provides a unique framework for the expansion of Kinesiology through the expression of individual potential and its purpose is to explore and understand the recuperation process.

Neuro-Training works with the Universal Laws of Recuperation and honours the uniqueness of every person. No two people have the same genetic history, the same experience of life, the same inherited patterns, or the same motivators, resources, limitations and fears. Each person has their own unique healing path.

Function and healing is about how well we can adapt to the many challenges in our life. It is about the expression of our values within ourselves, in our family, in society, and within the Universal Laws. When we respond to life with fear, when we focus on defending, justifying, and compensating for the things we feel we cannot change; where we feel we have no choice, or suppress those things that we have no solutions for - we are surviving.
When we focus on solutions to the things that challenge us; when we retrain our neurology to positive expression; when we focus on our potential, our opportunities, our life direction, our healing and our quality of spirit - we are living.

Neuro-Training uses many skills, techniques, references, and challenges, together with an artistry of application, to find the most appropriate way for the person to way retrain their neurology to be solution oriented. Solution oriented means becoming aware of the limitations, the fears, the negative motivators, but focusing not on how to defend against these but how to focus on finding the solutions.

Imagine being able to redirect the energy that is tied up by fears, anxieties, suppression's and compensations, freeing that energy for solutions to the challenges in life. Imagine the benefit of focusing all that released energy into dreams, plans, and personal potential. Having access to inherited resources and a positive expression of the unique person that each of us is. Neuro-Training is unique in the application of the skills and techniques of natural therapies.
Kinesiology Clinic

Kinesiology Training

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